(Tang Soo) Do More for Yourself and the Community

Practicing Fitness, Altruism, and Discipline at Costa’s Tang Soo Do Karate

By Raquel Reis

One’s lifelong journey towards their personal definition of greatness involves both an optimistic mindset and a willingness to be in constant competition with oneself.  Although constantly pushing your limits comes with mental exhaustion, students at Costa’s Tang Soo Do have adapted to that discomfort and have been taught to embrace the elegance of struggle.

Within the walls of Master John Costa’s dojan, students of any age are welcomed to learn about the martial arts, specifically his speciality, Tang Soo Do Karate.  With many different goals on his mind, Master Costa enforces the idea that his students will learn to fight and defend themselves so they will never have to.  That same, kind and compassionate mindset is carried through Costa’s business as a whole as they contribute to the world beyond just by teaching Tang Soo Do.  Every year the students and instructors at Costa’s get together and send hundreds of necessities to the Cape Verde islands where Master Costa and many of his students are from. In doing so, Master Costa is leading by example as he shows his students that the Tang Soo Do mentality regarding achievements must be done proudly and selflessly. The business’ scholarship fund for graduating students is yet another example of the generous foundations Costa’s Tang Soo Doo was built on top of. 

As students of Costa’s work to advance in their Tang Soo Do skills, climb the ranks through belt colors, they are also working to become better people.  Along Master Costa’s wall of Black Belts are doctors, engineers, nurses, and many more success stories that serve as a testament to the advantageous habits built with Master Costa and the art of Tang Soo Do to support you. One of the confident faces on that wall of Black Belts is BuyBlackNB’s founder Justina Perry who commented on her experiences at Costa’s, 

“I started my journey in this wonderful art when I was 11 years old and trained throughout my adolescence under the exceptional guidance of Master Costa. Costa’s Tang Soo Do is where I found my love for fitness and found a fun, friendly training studio that helped shape me into the person I am today. The standards at Costa’s Tang Soo Do are kept high, so after you've tested and receive a promotion in rank, you know you have earned it.  The sense of accomplishment that you get after testing and advancing in rank gives you the determination to continue. These skills like goal-setting and self-discipline are priceless for kids in school, and will serve them for a lifetime.”

Justina and the many other students at Costa’s not only become appreciative of success but also share that same thankfulness for defeat. Master Costa however, will never allow a student to remain in a state of failure. He teaches that to become one with the greats one must battle that failure and raise their bar of success every single day. To start your Tang Soo Do experience and kickstart your ideal mental and physical well being visit Costa’s today at 376 Nash Road in New Bedford, Massachusetts. 


Owner: Master John Costa

(508) 979-8111



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