Buy Black NB relies on volunteers and donations to sustain our programs and operations.
After making your donation, please check your mail for a receipt from the South Coast Chamber Foundation.
Checks must be made out to South Coast Chamber Foundation in care of One South Coast Chamber with Buy Black NB in the memo line.
Checks can be mailed to:
200 Pocasset Street
Fall River, MA 02721
Event Sponsorship
Sponsorship of a Buy Black NB event such as the Juneteenth Vendor Market is a great opportunity to position your business in front of thousands of residents and entrepreneurs throughout the South Coast. Event sponsorship can provide you the opportunity to market your brand and reach new customers. We would not be able to do the work without the support of generous sponsors like you.
For specific sponsorship opportunities email and we are happy to provide a copy of our sponsorship letter.
Thank you in advance for your financial support of Buy Black NB. Your donation allows this platform to continue growing.