Balling: On and Off the Court — A’s Before J’s

By: Rachel Golden

The idea is community and the execution is nothing less. A’s Before J’s was founded on the idea that every kid has the capacity to be the best version of themself, especially when they are given the opportunity to do so. I could think of no other business with such New Bedford Pride. 


Growing up in New Bedford has shown me how sports can shape the lives of the people who live here. The bustle of youth games on weekends, the long practices after even longer days at school, or even just a friendly game of two-hand touch at a cookout, are all part of the charm of living here. However, there is one sport that dominates our culture. Whether you’re looking for a game to watch over the weekend, driving by the courts at Buttonwood, or just taking a walk down your street, you will most definitely find basketball. This city just can’t seem to get enough of the game! There are so many local opportunities to play from school programs, camps, and travel teams. Some children can be found playing on four or five teams a year, and they still want to play pick up afterward.

This is where Coach Manny DeBrito, founder of A’s Before J’s, comes in with his idea. After coaching season after season of youth ball and spending time around parents and kids dedicated to the game, he began to notice some things. During his experience as a coach, he saw his role as much more than leading his team to another win. He was setting an example to his young players and wanted to offer structure and life lessons along with some basketball skills. Coach DeBrito believes that hard work on and off the court leads to success, so he held his teams to this standard. While basketball already offers so many opportunities and lessons, there is nothing more important than taking education seriously. Noticing that some of his players could attend tournaments an hour away over the weekend without finishing their homework that’s due Monday concerned Coach DeBrito and moved him to search for a solution. Holding his own players accountable for their school grades could only do so much; he began to toy with the idea of starting a program to reward kids across New Bedford who achieved in the classroom, just as they did on the court.

And so he set off with A’s Before J’s. The concept itself is simple, but its impact on the community spreads so far and wide: T-shirts. That’s all it takes. He begins by selling T-shirts with the A’s Before J’s brand on them. When people wear the shirts, they are seen in the shirts and the message that A’s (performing to your best ability at school) comes before J’s (Jumpshots, or basketball in general), is spread. Hopefully then, more shirts sell. At that point he can use all of the profits and plug them right back into the community, through scholarships rewarding academic achievement. The success of the shirts took off and you can still find some people wearing them around New Bedford today. A’s Before J’s has since held small tournaments to keep encouraging kids to keep working hard in school and on the court.


Coach DeBrito knows this program has so much potential not only because the A’s Before J’s scholarships go to the youth of New Bedford, but the entire message of the program is being spread throughout our community. Sometimes players and parents get so caught up in the dream of basketball they forget the opportunity that is right in front of them. Although there are some full rides offered for those who excel in basketball there are far more scholarship opportunities for those who excel academically, so students should be encouraged to strive for both. New Bedford natives want to support the community so let's encourage one another to strive for excellence in every way. 

A’s Before J’s stands for taking pride in teamwork, taking pride in being a well-rounded player, and taking pride in your own hard work. This brand stands as a community reminder of what the people behind ideas have overcome and all that can be achieved when a community fights for something together. A’s Before J’s wants to fight for the youth’s right to achieve by setting them up with the right tools to do so. 

So it is today that we say: Buy Black, New Bedford! And buy into the community for the long haul. With the hard work and outside-the-box thinking of local leaders, like Coach DeBrito, our youth have mentorship for continued success. Today, I encourage you to order a shirt and spread the message of A’s Before J’s. 

I would like to thank Mr. DeBrito for meeting with me and for all the work he has done in the New Bedford community and all he continues to do. I am one of many people who look up to him and I am privileged to have learned so much from his example. 



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